Second Day
Today was my second day of university life in Kalamazoo. I might have to say that everything went through smoothly. I met lots of nice people.
Hmm.. they are so helpful especially when I'm lost in that campus which I not yet familiar with. But thanks to them, I can now recognize most of the buildings that I needed to know for this semester, such as ROOD hall, WOOD hall, MOORE hall and EVERETT tower. Those name sounds weird huh?? Well, I do think so..
Snowy day had passed for about 2 days thus I can "see" my campus more clearly than last time when EVERYTHING is white in color. No more snow cushion and what left now is some greeny color for the trees and land.
Thankful, Jeong had successfully enrolled in STAT 2600. All of the class enrollment had settled and what we need to worry now is : not only attending those classes but also UNDERSTAND them. This will be the hardest part for me because honestly, I can't really understand everything that said by the lecturer and they love to use FOOTball game as examples which
Most of the lecturers had some trouble in calling my name. 'Yih' is still fine but that 'wen' is abit tricky for them. Most of them pronounce it as 'when' but it is NOT. Name is very important for me and I feel funny when people calling me as 'EeWhen'. =.=
Another problem that I'm facing now is BOOKS!!!
Oh GOD!! Why are those BOOKS so expensive?!?!
100 usd for a book??
yea yea.. you did not read it wrongly.
IT IS 100 USD!!!
*convert it to malaysia ringgit and I allowed you to faint*
You know what will happen if I'm in Malaysia now?
1. ptohocpoy *i hope you understand this*
2. sharing with other friends
3. IGNORE it since lecturer won't really use it or mind it
you'll just wasting your money for most of the classes if you buy the text books.
Everything here in US are expensive if you convert to Malaysia Ringgit yet it is CHEAP if parents earn $$ here.
However, I still got something cheap here.. ^^
a pink water bottle and a notepad
Guess how much for the total!!
yea yea!! again, you did not read it wrongly.
2 usd!! I need a water bottle and I got it for only $1! ^^
That's all for today! love ya!!
since this is only the first week of school, usually you don't have to buy your textbooks yet. go to class, ask the professor if do they use the book. some do, some do not. some only wants you to use it for homework only. if it's for homework, you could always share. it's not as important if you're taking science/math classes. (what's your major anyways? i'm supposing you're a science/engineering major?) if you really do need the textbook, buy it online. go to your bookstore, copy down the ISBN of the book (it's a 9-digit number below the barcode at the back of the book cover), the name of the book and author, and most importantly the edition. oooh, and the price of it too. you can then buy it online. most of the time you could save 50-90% by getting it online.
these are some good sites: (very very good for science/math books)
www.betterworldbooks (this is good for books that are more widely used, like books for general education classes, or classes that lots of ppl taking)
if there's a chance, go ahead and get the international version. the only difference is that it is soft cover, and printed on not so good quality paper. all the contents are exactly the same. a new international version is usually much more cheaper than a normal hard cover used one.
ooooh.. i forgot. even if you have already bought your books, don't worry. you could still buy them online and return them back to the bookstore if you still keep the receipt. (go check out and see how long you have to return the books, usually should be 1-2 weeks.)that's the best thing in US. you could ALWAYS return things that you bought, as long as they are in the same condition as when you bought them. :D
Xiulin!! haha.. i bought a book from but haven get it yet..
hope will get it soon..
thanks for all the suggestion u gave me!!
By the way, I'm majoring in Biomedical~
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